# Понедельник 20 твитов
Hello everyone! My name is Owen and I work at the nexus of playfulness, art and science. You an usually find me at @TheAllThing
8:49My main work is DEEP, an experimental VR game controlled by breathing. You can check it out here
I’ve been working on DEEP for 4 years now, ever since the Oculus Rift kickstarter launched
10:58It started as a side project, something I did during the free hours on the weekend, now it is my main focus.
10:59For the first year I worked alone, then I teamed up worth the wonderful @Niki_Banda and ever since we make it together
11:00But it is not just us, there is a @skooter500 who makes the fish AI and @ParadoxicalRec who does the music and sound
11:01And there is an amazing team of behavioural scientists that test and measure the game
11:02Our aim is to make an effective digital intervention to anxiety and depression
11:02Terence Mckenna once said, the drugs of the future will be computers, and the computers of the future will be drugs
11:03We strive to move in this direction
11:04@gdunderhood Have you considered smartphones as alternative controllers? I mean, breathing into the mic and stuff? :)
I am actually going to try some mic input soon twitter.com/vedmich/status…
17:41The amazing @EvanBalster who works on @SoundSelf gonna help me hack something together
17:43Most of my work right now is VR related. I have been making stuff since I got my kickstarter DK1
18:39I really dig VR a lot. In my view, it is a new medium, a new thing all together, rather then a computer gamer peripheral
18:40In fact, I don't think games are gonna be the main use of VR, rather it will be used for creativity, work and education
18:41With a little games and chill out experiences mixed in
18:42Buy who the hell knows, I'm just some guy
18:42No one predicted minecraft or 50 shades of grey or snapchat or any of the other big media winners of the last few years
18:43And nobody knows what's gonna happen with VR
18:44@gdunderhood So, you don't think that we gonna have some AAA-like titles on VR in the near future? :)
I don't think so, not in the next year anyway. Not profitable enough and anyway, I don't think people wanna play lo… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
19:57# Вторник 17 твитов
This is where I work, in a co-working space in Dublin where I rent a desk pic.twitter.com/VOnpGv95BO
I really need a work space to be productive, I go mad if I try to work from home for more then a day or 2
9:19My day today
9:30-into office, emails, admin and catchup
11- call with Cambridge, my main freelance client
12- press interview
13:30- lunch with fellow dev (it's good to see people)
14- actual desiogn and development work for the rest of the day
My primary income comes from contract design work
The last one I finished was the Ice Cream Headaches expansion for Guild of @dungeoneering
But the main one I work on new is a big VR project for Cancer Research UK
15:19We are building a cancer laboritoty in VR
here's how it works
A tumor is removed from a mouse or person and frozen
A special microscope is used to slice the smaple in very very thin slices, a few atoms
these slices are photographed and the images are sent to a team of astronomers (yeah astronomers!)
15:23they use the same tools they use to get the position of stars from their telescope images to get the shape and position of each cell
15:24the slices of cells then go on to be desolved in a special bath and their cellular and genetic information is extracted
15:26this is where me and my team come in, we take all this data and rebuild the samples in Unity
15:27the sample can then be manipulated and analysed in all sorts of ways
15:28and the scientists can view the disease in its native 3d form rather then in 2d images and slices as they normaly do
15:29If you are interested you can check out the project here
the hope is the super rich data can lead to bespoke and more focused treatment plans for people and hence extend life and increase survival
15:31We hope to make our software free to the public soon and open source as much as possible
15:32# Среда 16 твитов
With my contracting work done yesterday I am free to work on my passion project today. Right now that means DEEP
8:23We showed it in a gallery in London last week, a really fancy place pic.twitter.com/Z1qafmPptq
It was my first time showing it to the public in about a year and there were a few new features we were testing
8:25And as always showing the work let's me know where the real problems are. Which, for me anyway, is usually a surprise
8:28There are 2 areas in the world where the player is getting lost, I am going to work with Niki to create new paths in these places
8:28Another big problem we uncovered is that the main code for the player in the game has finally grown too bloated and old
8:30I am going to spend the day rewriting that, which is something I need to do before adding any more features or fixes
8:30Todays job of rewriting the main player code is going ok.
Sometimes I feel like everytime I start a big programming job I change style
How do you write your code in Unity? One big component that does everything or little separate components for each job
13:40Behold, the horrifying Unity GameObject I am rewriting today
This is what happens when I wait to long to cleanup my… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
This object I supposed to know how full the players lungs are
There are 3 possible ways to know this
1 - my custom hardware
2 - xbox controller inputs
3 - the game breathes automaticly and you sync up with it
But now I want to add more
Vive controller movment
Vive Tracker
Head Movment
But the problem is that the current implementation is a mess so I am trying to clean that up first
14:42for example, you cannot currently switch input when the game is running and there is no way to change it in stand alone builds
14:42but I will fix that today, then I need to fix all the player code which is also kind of all over the place pic.twitter.com/A1x5okxLOt
# Четверг 19 твитов
I wanted to be a full time game developer/designer for the last 12 years or so, and it took about 10 years to make it happen
8:30I started off studying in a small community college here in Ireland. Back then there were no real jobs here and no community to speak of
8:31After the course I managed to get a job as a QA tester in vivendi. That was 10 years ago
8:32I worked on World in Conflict (good), a FEAR expansion (bad) and a Crash Bandicoot PSP game (ugly)
8:33I was not testing for gameplay or balance, but for translation. I had to make sure all the strings had been ported to the right language
8:34It was pretty bleak and uninspiring work and when vivendi was sold to activision I failed the interview to say on board and was let go
8:35After that I left games fro a while, going back to work in IT
I was a system administrator in a mortgage company for a while
when the housing market tanked I started fixing peoples computers at home
not the worst job, but weird and unpredictable
Then, one day, Peter Molineux was speaking at a local college
This was when he still riding high on Fabel but already there was cynicissm
But my trepidation was swept away, he gave an amazing a passionate talk
I was back in!
I convinced the college to let me enrol in their new Masters in Digital Games
This was kind of them as I did not actually have a degree
The workload was really high and I started to have trouble balancing the coursework and the computer fixing,I found it tough to switch gears
8:51That's when I came upon the idea of teaching
Teaching game design would let me keep my head in the same space, deepen my skill and earn €€
I emailed every single college in the city that had a game programme offering my services
To my delight and surprise one got back
Up until last year, that is how I made ends meet
Teaching was the main back bone of my earning
It is a good route
As it allows you a good deal of free time, access to hardware, software and desk space and most importantly, inspiring students
8:55I still teach 1 class a week, not for the money now, but because it keeps me fresh and stops me from getting into a rut
8:56If you are interested in teaching a Game Design course everything you need can be found in @StoneLibrande's amazing GDC talk and website
8:58.@StoneLibrande Talk: gdcvault.com/play/1015305/D…
Site: stonetronix.com
# Пятница 18 твитов
The game development community here in Ireland and Dublin is really strong, we have all sorts for studios and creators
14:28But it was not always this way, 5 years ago (when I graduated) there was little to speak of.
14:29Popcap was here but they closed just as became qualified
There were a few people talking about games but always from a business or tech view
This was the first thing to change and I think it was the biggest part of kickstarting the industry here. A number of events were set up
14:33.@dublingamecraft began to run regular 1 day game jams. This was a great place to get together and make things
14:34A LOT of the successful teams here in Dublin were started at one of these jams. If you have not been to a game jam before GO DO ONE
14:35If there is no game game in your area SET ONE UP!
14:35The other event that emerged in this time was a One Game a Month Club
These folks would meet up and a pub each month
Someone would pick a theme, and the club would all make a little game based on that theme for next time
14:37Well that was the idea. Usually about 3 people actually made a game and the rest just hung out
14:37But hanging out is important!
Game dev can be lonley work and it can get isolating
1 Game and Month acts as a constant slow rolling game jam for hte community here. It is super great
14:39Every month we went to a pub, brough our semi functional prototypes, gave feedback, drank beer and chatted
Couldn't be simpler
If there is no local game dev scene in your area starting something like this is probobly one of the best investments you can make
14:42All you need is a Facebook event, a pub willing to reserve a few tables and 2 other people that want to make games to come along
14:43The first one I ran had abotu 10 people at it, by the time I wrapped it up we usually had more then a hundred.
14:44I never spent a penny on it, and I had a great time running the events and seeing it grow
14:44# Воскресенье 23 твита
Hello team, it's my last day with you, if there is anything you would like to hear about please let me know
9:41And if anyone has any questions about VR design, teaching game design or running game design events just let me know
9:42I have been working at becoming a game designer (as opposed to developer)for the last 5 years & honestly I only now feel I'm finding my feat
10:18One of the things that helped is reframing the skill as a vocation, something to be mastered over decades or a lifetime
10:19No one would expect a doctor, painter or engineer to be good after a few years and I don't think game design is any different
10:20This really helped me struggel through my weaker work and have patience with myself
10:20The best thing for getting better at game design faster we playing and studying boardgames
10:21You need 2 things to be an apprentice level game designer
1- The Language
2- Game Desing Literacy
The Language is important
You need to have a name for something to think about it and play with it and change it
The God of magic and the God of writing is the same God in my country and many others
10:24Once you have a name for a thing you can work with it
10:24You can pick up the Language by reading game design books, watching GDC vault videos and listening to game design podcasts
10:25You can even make up your own if you like
10:25But this is only half the battle you need Literacy
10:25You must become like a cook, carefully tasting your designs pic.twitter.com/DouVTeqPPI
You will see what is missing and where is it lacking bit it it only with Literacy you will know what to add
10:28This need some pepper
That needs some tension
They need some sugar
and this needs more predictability
The best way to get literacy fast is to play and study as many boardgames as you can
Boardgames are great for game designers as you
I teratogenic directly with the game rules and systems ..as opposed to computer games where it is all done through expensive art and edifice
10:31If you can build up a literacy of mechanics, interactions, systems and experiences you will have a pallet of options
10:33when trying to solve a design problem or add a new feature or just start a new project
10:33Thanks for being with me this week folks, if you want to stay in touch you can find me at @TheAllThing
20:59.@TheAllThing As per tradition, here is my desk
This is actually cleaner the usual pic.twitter.com/qrPpatdqKN